The Six Best Baggage Reclaim Marketing Campaigns

Picture of Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones
Last Updated: 21 April 2021


The UK has the third-largest aviation network across the globe*, and the second largest aerospace manufacturing sector. The aviation industry has a turnover of over £60 billion and this contributes over £22 billion to our GDP with around one million UK jobs directly or indirectly supported by it. It is therefore no wonder that the airline industry has some pretty incredible advertising and marketing campaigns.

Every touchpoint throughout an airport has been set up to offer sponsorship opportunities, down to the lowly baggage reclaim facility. Some companies have really stood out from the crowd when delivering ROI on their marketing spend. Below we look at some of the standout campaigns.

 1 – Carlsberg

Probably the most cost-effective campaign, on the list. Playing on the brand’s tag line, ‘if Carlsberg did cases’ as the parting shot from the video. What is particularly interesting about this campaign is that there is nobody telling the travellers they are free to take their cases. As one bold traveller takes the plunge and picks up the case labelled ‘Take me, I’m yours’ others quickly follow suit, with sideways glances to fellow travellers. It could almost become a study into human behaviour on how social influence impacts our decisions on what we can get away with, the passengers certainly have a cheeky look on their faces as they scurry away with their windfall.

2 – Zappos

Zappos Marketing Campaign for Travellers

Clothing giant Zappos really went all out on their extensive baggage reclaim campaign, creating a game show out of the conveyor belt. The Zappos team had the entire conveyor belt converted into a lucky dip prize draw. The large Zappos team at the airport helped to create excitement in the video and enthuse passengers who were probably tired at the end of their journey.

 3 – Cadillac Jacks

 The baggage carousel resembles the roulette table with the sections alternating black and red. Unfortunately, on this carousel travellers don’t win the prizes. This concept has been adapted by a few different casinos across the globe in different airports, it’s still Russian Roulette whether your bag comes out first or last!


4 – Car Trunks

Mini and Ford Trunk concept

 Ford and Mini playing with the same concept about large car trunk size.


5 – Rijks Museum – Amsterdam

Rijks Mueseum – Travel Tourism Campaign

The printed carousel campaign is also supported by a video interaction with one of the Rijks Museum representatives. A nice concept and it is strongly linked with their tourist-based audience; perhaps if they run the campaign again some gift shop freebies might inspire the travellers to engage with the campaign a little more!


6 – WestJet

WestJet baggage reclaim Campaign

The most elaborate and wonderous of the campaigns. It certainly had a healthy budget, human resource, a well-staged and choreographed feel to the campaign. Travellers could talk to Santa about their Christmas wishes, the WestJet team then set about buying and wrapping the presents at the traveller’s destination, ready for them as they arrive in baggage reclaim.

 The campaign really was on another level, with a digital screen of Santa asking passengers their Wishlist, with a crew behind making hasty notes. The campaign also had multiple teams across the two locations, shoppers, wrappers and of course Santa. You can imagine that the travellers kicked themselves for not wishing for more elaborate gifts, especially as one of the couples walked away with a large tv!

1 – Carlsberg – If Carlsberg did cases
2 – Zappos
3 – Cadillac Jacks
4 – Mini and Ford
5 – Rijks Museum – Rembrandt Campaign
6 – WestJet – Christmas Miracle

* 1

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