Umbrella Faces – Global Traveller Profiles

Picture of Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones
Last Updated: 30 April 2021

Umbrella Faces keeps your personal information safe and accessible, to save you time when you travel.

Umbrella Faces is a tool used by Travel Management Companies, to enable travellers to do one update for their profile for all their traveller preferences, passport information and traveller data. This profiling tool speeds up the traveller booking process and ensures all the data is in one secure hub, so you don’t have to update multiple profiles for business travel and have lots of different forms to fill in. This is particularly important to update due to the changes in travel restrictions that are prevalent at the moment. To set up your Umbrella Traveller Profile or update your profile email our team or call: +44 (0) 116 264 5279.

In anticipation of the Return To Travel now is a great time to ensure that your traveller profile is up to date and that you are ready to go next time you need to book a trip. In this article, we provide an overview of our new profile system Umbrella Faces.

If you, like most frequent travellers, quickly tire of having to fill in your information each time you take a trip – passport numbers, seat preferences, meal order, and the dozen other things that make travel possible and comfortable – then you will be pleased to hear about Umbrella, the new data-storage app used by Meon Valley Travel.

Easily update old passport information with Umbrella Tool. Image source Annie Spratt

One-Step Changes

After completing one initial setup, you will not need to enter this information again when travelling. Meon Valley will be able to access the data securely and automatically fill in your information each time you travel, and your data will automatically inform and control apps like MeonGo and Conferma.

If your information should change – a new passport for example – then one change in this one app is all that is needed.

GDPR Compliant Secure Storage

Using Umbrella is optional – you can opt-out of the programme – but those who choose to use it can do with confidence.

Your information and data will be kept safe, stored by a third-party data company that specialises in GDPR-compliant, secure storage. This means that Meon Valley Travel will have access to the data only as needed to book your travel, and you will have the peace of mind that your passport number, personal information, and travel preferences are all secure and private when not needed.

New British Passports are starting to be distributed. Image source: Flickr No 10

Adhere to Company Policy

Your company’s travel policies can be included in the setup, so you will be sure to be compliant with them and won’t run into awkward conversations regarding expenses or settings that may have been included – or left out – in error.

Personalised Travel Without the Hassle

Umbrella holds official data (like passport numbers, visas, date of birth, pertinent health information), personal information (like credit card numbers, contact information, seat and meal preferences), and has the ability to record special requests, so you can expect a trip tailored to you, every time, without having to fill in new forms with each voyage.

It also eliminates the chance of you forgetting to enter any special requests that might make your trip that much more enjoyable.

Accessible 24-7

Under the old system, any changes to your data required a phone call, during office hours, to speak with a person who could change your data.

Now, you will have the ability to access and change your data, twenty-four hours a day, any day of the year. Need to make a change? Enter the app, change the setting, and save.

It’s that easy.


The Umbrella app will keep your data secure and in one place. It is accessible and easily updated. When needed, the data flows seamlessly to your approved travel apps. The system is GDPR-compliant.

In short, Umbrella is a secure, easy, and powerful way to keep your information current, secure, and readily available – and all in one easy step.

To update your profile please contact the team at Meon Valley Travel and we will arrange for you to have the relevant access.
Call +44 (0)116 264 5279

Julian Munsey – Sales Director
Email: [email protected]

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