How can travel management apps help?

Picture of Ollie Acton
Ollie Acton
Last Updated: 21 April 2021

There are a lot of ways a person can reduce stress when travelling, and one of the most effective is to remove anxiety by providing the best information on the journey, in real time, through the use of travel management apps.

What are travel management apps?

Travel management apps are programs that you download onto your phone or mobile device, that help to make travel easier. Depending on your personal needs and the type of journey, you may use one app, or combine several, to get the functionality you need.

Travel management app

What can Travel Management Apps do?

In short: a lot.

Look over this list of common travel app functions. Remember, different apps combine several of these functions into one, and the style and quality of each app will be different, so do your homework and buy wisely – don’t waste money or clutter up your phone with apps you won’t use.

Itinerary planning and sharing

You can have your entire itinerary in the palm of your hand, ready to review, edit, or share with colleagues as you travel. Some adjust in real time and keep you informed if you’re falling behind schedule, or still on track.

This can also let you know if colleagues are running late, so you won’t be standing there worrying if you missed them, or are in the wrong place.

Travel ticket purchasing

Buy your tickets right on your phone. Some apps keep your financial information and travel preferences stored in your own account, so you don’t have to keep entering information each time you purchase a flight, train ticket, or hire a car.

Sure, this is a small convenience – but it’s the accumulation of small conveniences that add up to big stress relief when away from home.

Flight check-in and confirmation

Check in to your flight without waiting in a queue, allowing you to streamline the airport experience as much as possible, and reduce the overall travel time. It also helps you get to the gates in good time, reducing worry over potentially missing a flight.

Flight status alerts

Some travel management apps keep track of your flights and alert you if there are any cancellations, delays or changes to carriers or departure/arrival gates. You can avoid showing up for a flight that isn’t going for another five hours, or is cancelled altogether. Sit comfortably in the travel lounge and move only when you know your flight is ready for you.

Not only does this potentially reduce your overall travel time, it is a huge stress-avoider.

Land travel service from the airport

Some apps allow you to book land travel in advance too, lining up a taxi or Uber from the airport, securing a train or bus ticket, or hiring a car and having it ready and waiting for you when you arrive.

Avoid queues, decrease travel time, and get your tired legs and feet up on a fresh hotel bed sooner – by booking beforehand.

Travel app business travel

Hotel check-in and check-out

Just as some travel management apps help you check in to flights without long queues, many do the same for hotel services. All you’ll have to do is step up to the counter for your key. Check-out is just as stress-free.

Events bookings

Some travel management apps include lists of local concerts and other events, as well as seamless ticket reservations and purchasing. You might even be able to use an eTicket that is as simple as showing your phone at the front gate.

Current location

In some circumstances, you may want someone else to be able to track your location while on your trip. This is another feature included in some travel management apps.

Whether it is a parent keeping an eye on an older child or young adult, or a company keeping tabs on the whereabouts of an employee in a risky environment, travel management apps can make sure Big Brother is watching – when you want him to be!

Maps and navigation

We’re all familiar with GPS navigation technology, but some versions are better than others. Improvements come all the time to this high-volume segment of travel management apps, so it’s worth looking through a few of them and even trying out trial versions if they are available.

Give currency conversion rates

Especially if you are travelling through several countries in a single trip, or are in an area in which multiple currencies are commonly used, a good currency converter is very useful.

Converters on travel management apps, unlike those linked to investment companies or even banks, will show the true current comparative value of each currency, without trying to sell you on a certain financial product. You won’t have to struggle with converting values in your head, and you won’t find yourself getting a bad deal because you miscalculated the relative value of an item or service.

Emergency alerts

Wouldn’t it be reassuring to know of any local unrest, disaster, or potential danger – automatically? Some travel management apps scan news and local politics to determine if trouble is imminent. They will let you know that problems are occurring and allow you to get out of harm’s way before your options get limited.

No alert? Then rest assured all is well.

Translate or teach you another language

There are even travel management apps that will translate phrases, or help to teach you some useful phrases in the local language. There for pleasure? The app will teach you some social pleasantries. There for business? Learn a few key phrases that will show your commitment to the business relationship, and respect for your local colleague.

It’s also very handy in overcoming problems. A quick question in the local language can set you back on track, keep you safe, or find you that meal that will make your stay that much more enjoyable.

How much do travel management apps cost?

Most travel apps are developed by companies in related industries – like airlines, business travel companies, hotels, etc. – which means they are free to the consumer. That’s good news for you, and it means you get to try out the ones that interest you and find the best one for your purposes.

Technology can take a lot of stress out of your travel, and mobile technology in the form of travel management apps is a great example.


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